Promoting Hair Growth with Coconut Milk

Mila Supinskaya / ShutterStock

As you get older, your hair becomes thin, brittle and you may start noticing more hair fall than usual.

Not to worry, we have a powerful remedy using coconut oil and honey to help strengthen thin, and brittle hair.

It’s so easy and affordable, this natural conditioner helps to promote hair growth and leaves it feeling soft and looking shiny.

The coconut milk is rich in proteins and essential fats which are great for preventing hair loss and strengthening the follicles.

You will also notice your hair will be considerably softer after using coconut milk.

What you need to do is take 1/3 cup fresh coconut milk and mix in 2 tbsp. organic honey.

You can also add a few drops of lavender essential oils if you want to add a sweet scent to your hair.

Apply to already damp hair and massage your scalp for 1-2 minutes. Cover the hair, working your way down to the ends and then place your hair in a hair net.

After about 15-25 minutes, rinse hair with cold water and then shampoo hair.

Do once or twice a month for best results.